Despite industry supply chain issues, McCrometer maintains short lead times for electromagnetic flow meters due to manufacturing processes and domestic sourcing.
The Case for Metering in CA: SGMA, WaterSMART, and Efficient Irrigation Practices
With the passing of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in CA, the case for metering is stronger than ever. Here’s why.
Aimee Davis and Ken Quandt: Making Meters Work Smarter and Harder at McCrometer
McCrometer provides an overview of the McMag2000, its benefits to irrigators, and upcoming feature improvements in this exclusive Irrigation Leader interview.
Water Monitoring in Montana: One Irrigation District’s Success with the McMag2000
McCrometer shares a customer success story about a Montana water district’s early adoption of the recently launched flow meter McMag2000.
Electromagnetic Flow Meters, Flow Straighteners, and Vanes: Compatible or Not?
If flow straighteners and vanes bring so much benefit to propeller-using applications, is the same true for electromagnetic (mag) measurement applications? We spoke with the McCrometer engineering team and got the answer.
McCrometer Meters Superior for These Kansas Farmers and Irrigators
This article originally appeared in North American Farm Equipment Magazine on January 3rd, 2021. Farmers and irrigation professionals understand how important it is to have reliable flow meters. Besides performing on a daily basis, they need to be easily compatible...
McCrometer’s Cyber Week 2020
McCrometer is excited to announce our first ever Cyber Week! From November 30th - December 4th, we'll be announcing a new flash deal every day on social media and via email. Place your order while each offers lasts, because they're one day only! To order, email...
Debris in Flow: Meter Recommendations for Agricultural Applications
Debris in a pipeline can mean a wide range of organic or inorganic matter – but what really matters is the effect it has on your flow meter and measurement data. So, how does debris affect various flow meters, and what are your best options for various flow...
McCrometer Insertion-Style Mag Meters: A Comparison
McCrometer offers four insertion-style electromagnetic (mag) meters, which have similar designs and product names. If you’re interested in an insertion mag meter, or are comparing them to traditional full-bore mag meters, here’s what you need to know in order to...
McMag 2000 vs. McMag 3000: What’s the Difference?
We’ll let you in on a secret – the difference is more than just a number! The names may be similar, but each meter has a unique construction and design, different product specs, and value-rich features that different customers favor. The Mag Meter Tech Specs Despite...
Featured Posts
McCrometer, Inc. Announces Redesign of FlowComTM Digital Register
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 3rd, 2024Contact: Aimee Davis, Vertical Marketing Manager, Agriculture McCrometer, Hemet, Calif. – McCrometer, Inc., a globally recognized flow meter manufacturer, today announced the launch of their...
4 Reasons to Invest in a Meter Repair Program
New is always better, right? Not exactly. New can be expensive, unnecessary, and harder to get company approval for purchase. So when your flow meter needs maintenance, upgrades, or just a good cleaning, there’s no need to start shopping for a replacement. Invest in...
Get into the Groove: McCrometer’s Grooved-End Mag Meter
We’ll share the big news upfront! McCrometer’s integrated grooved-end mag meter is the only version on the market, and it’s revolutionary for a reason. Engineered to meet customer demand, this meter launched in January 2024 and is available for order now. This...
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